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気分転換やちょっとした甘いもの欲求を満たすのにぴったりのチョコレート。バレンタインやホワイトデーのギフトの定番でもありますね。実はこのチョコレート、美容や健康にも嬉しい効果がたくさんあることをご存じでしょうか?今回は、チョコレートがもたらす美容・健康のメリットについて詳しくご紹介します。 1. 抗酸化作用で美肌効果チョコレートの主成分であるカカオには、「カカオポリフェノール」と呼ばれる強力な...

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Valentine's Day Short Story

Since tomorrow is the first day of February, here's a little story about Valentine's Day. In Japan, Valentine's Day is known as the day when women give chocolates to men, but its origins actually d...

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甘いものを食べれないストレス vs 多少食べる心の余裕

The stress of not being able to eat sweets vs. the willingness to eat a little

Even if we know that sweets are bad for our health, our psychology is such that we can't help but reach for them. However, should we completely cut out sweets for health management or dieting purp...

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The pros and cons of plant-based

In recent years, plant-based diets have been gaining attention. Many people are avoiding animal products and adopting plant-based foods out of concern for health, the environment, and animal welfa...

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Is dietary fiber a non-fattening carbohydrate?

Dietary fiber is attracting attention among people who are concerned about diet and health. Dietary fiber is known as a "non-fattening ingredient," but is this true? Let's also consider the relati...

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The effect of carbohydrates on sports

While carbohydrates play an important role as an energy source in sports, excessive intake or consumption of low-quality carbohydrates can have adverse effects. The specific effects are explained ...

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